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poketmon go information for beggniner! Let's go

by 필립온 2017. 2. 17.


I tell about 7way to efficiently do poketmon go!

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first, the way to choose pikachu.

speaking of poketmon main character, there are many character but pikachu is very unique

I explain about the way to get pikachu. 

when you start the game, in the screen there are 3 monster "Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander"

but do not choose one of them.

in order to get pikachu, ignore them and just wander around.

and then 3 monster appear again and repeatedly 3 times




during wadering, pikachu finally appear!!

keep it in your mind. do not choose "Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander"

just wait for 3times




at that time of choosing them, you have just one decision.

If you choose any one, others disappear! 

do not stick to pikachu becuase pikachu appear many times during game! 






but it is little difficult because revolving poketball have rotatory force.

when you throw it, ball angle make you difficult to get monster.

But why do you throw revolving poketball?

because of additional experience point



when seting revolving poket ball, it light like above left picture.


if you get monster with revolving poketball, you can get the higher experience point?

but I recommend beginner to general ball. throw right angle.

save poketball for later.



I also throw right angle, too because I am also beginner.



thirdly, the way to get strong resistant monster with razz berry.

  Feed this to a Pokemon to make it easier to catch!!

Razz berry is real fruit not virtual it.

you can take out razz berry a tool box when meeting monster


take out it and throw it to monster

and then a heart shape appear around monster like above right picture.

maybe I think razz berry is so sweet fruit. it makes monster mild


razz berry is so amazing story, right?



this is razz berry, is it look like very sweet and delicious?

it is cultivated in North Europe.

it is so juicy and sweet fruit.



fourthly. the way to raise Eevee

  Eevee can evolve into 3 types as water, fire, electricity.

You can change what you want by seting up Eevee name!


If you want water type, you can set up name as Rainner

If you want electricity type, you can set up name as Sparky

If you want fire type, you can set up name as Pyro

change correct name, spelling!

personally I like fire type! Pyro.


Fifthly, the way to save the battrey!


even though you want to do poketmon Go game,

If battery discharge, you can not do it and then

you should know the way to save it!


when your cell phone screen is toward ground,

screen light level is down automatically. it can save battery!


do not worry that it is not totally off! just light level is down!

when pokemon appears, cell phone vibrate as usual!



and then cancel AR mode(virtual realiity)

AR mode makes cell phone run fast!


also if you cancel AR mode, it can be easy to get monster.

it is personal opinion!




Sixth, the way to use Happy egg!

it makes you get double experient point for 30 minutes

as you know, if you can get higher XP, level up is more fast than usual

and then you can get high level monster.





Also, you do not strengthen and evolve anytime.

I recommend do strenthen, evolve after using happy egg!!

because you can get double XP!! 

get pokemons which need little candy for evolve, strengthen

and when using Happy egg, do it everything



The seventh, You can get many poketmons by using luer module!

it is better efficient that you use luer module into place

where there are many poket stop!



above picture is luer module, is it like cherry blossomes?


while it used, many poketmons appear around poket stop

and you can get many things!




the way to use luer module is above picture.

when you click poket stop, you see white oval located aobve round picture!

you can click and use lure module!

it is not difficult poketmon go way?

If you want to see more funny video click below URL!!

